A beautiful Gift Shop located in Coventry - we have oils, herbs, candles, crystals, Inspirational, Fairies, Angels, Clothing,I ncense, Jewelry, Aura/Chakra Photos, classes and so much more. …
A beautiful Gift Shop located in Coventry - we have oils, herbs, candles, crystals, Inspirational, Fairies, Angels, Clothing,I ncense, Jewelry, Aura/Chakra Photos, classes and so much more. Everything Mystical, Magical & Enchanted. Owned & Operated by Certified Pychic Medium Jodi-Lynn - who has become well known throughout New England over the past 10 years for her ability to connect with Spirit, helping thousands over the years. She also works Internationally via phone/facetime/video. She has been tested and received recognition and Certification for her accurracy as a "High Caliber Medium," in presenting evidential information from Spirit to loved ones here on Earth. Her sessions have been referred as "Simply Life Changing.