As this happens, the enzymatic activity of ATP synthase synthesiszes ATP from ADP. Mitochondria are fascinating structures that create energy to run the cell. Learn how the small genome inside ...
and fatty acids is coupled to the generation of an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which is harnessed by the ATP synthase to drive the formation of ATP.
ATP synthase is now being pictured as acting like two motors connected by a common rotary shaft. The energy source is food which supplies hydrogen while discarding carbon as carbon dioxide. The ...
Mitochondria organelles came from primordial bacterial endosymbionts and still preserve distinct genes for important functions like making ATP. To speed the emerging therapeutic research into the ...
Mitochondria are critical for cellular homeostasis, regulating bioenergetics, redox balance, Ca2+ signaling, and cell death.
They found that mitochondrial fusion and fission enable ... synthase), which lacks cristae and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase, and the other dedicated to OXPHOS. Read the full story here.