If you were raised on pork chops and applesauce, you may feel you know this classic cut of meat well. The truth is, however, that the term pork chop can apply to a range of options,and if you've ...
Using a slow cooker to make pork chops is a wonderful way to make dinner with less effort and still get tender, juicy meat.
Why? Even though pork chops are all cut from the loin, there are actually four distinct cuts. Working your way from front to back, you can find the shoulder chops, rib chops, loin chops and ...
If you like your roast boneless, try the large center-cut loin roast or the smaller tenderloin roast—both are lean and juicy. F&W's guide to pork roasts covers all the bases with great recipes ...
Choose neat cuts with a fine-grained texture. Although pork is a lean meat, there may be a slight marbling of fat (especially in traditional breeds) that should be firm and white. Avoid any meat ...
The spread between the two products can reflect differences in supply and demand between unprocessed hogs and wholesale cuts. Pork Cutout futures settle to the CME Pork Cutout Index, which is ...