Now the feathers are really starting to fly in the trade war. A bald eagle was captured on film doing battle with a sickly, ...
Canada geese are typically herded off of lakes during their flightless feather-molting period in June. In the past they've ...
Powered by feathers, the company outfitted the first ... he set out to change that. He rebranded to "Canada Goose" and did everything he could to make that brand visible. The company gifted ...
Back in February, Ontario photographer Mervyn Sequiera took this photo of a bald eagle and Canada goose fighting on an icy bay in Burlington, Ontario. Sequiera said the two duked it out for 20 ...
A bald eagle may have thought it spotted an easy lunch in a Canada goose sitting on an icy bay in Burlington, Ont., but according to Mervyn Sequeira — who watched and photographed a 20 ...
The DNR has helped mitigate human-goose conflicts for ... also escalated to rounding up Canada geese, herding them off water bodies during their molted feather phase in June when they cannot ...