This applies nicely to Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” Its garden is the poem’s otherworld—based on the ancient geocentric cosmos and Christian eschatology— and its toads are Dante’s ...
Dante’s Commedia (or Divine Comedy, written in the opening decades of the 14th century) is already a heavily and explicitly ...
This trilogy has been a journey for listeners and a period of self-reflection for The Weeknd. As he closes off this chapter ...
Blake Ritson, David Warner and John Hurt star in Stephen Wyatt's dramatisation of Dante's epic poem - the story of one man's incredible journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise ...
In the Divine Comedy, Dante goes down the circles of Hell meeting the world’s most illustrious sinners. 700 years after his death, this series explores the contemporary meaning of the seven ...
In 1321, the leading citizens of Ravenna, Italy, carried Dante’s body to his grave, far from his native Florence, from which he had been exiled for years. Left behind was one of the modern world ...
In the Divine Comedy, Dante goes down the circles of Hell meeting the world’s most illustrious sinners. 700 years after his death, this series explores the contemporary meaning of the seven ...