Nearly two decades after an infamous ex-stripper's rape accusations against three Duke University lacrosse ... The case collapsed in 2007 when North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper exonerated ...
Nearly two decades after alleging that three Duke lacrosse players had ... after the state's then-Attorney General Roy Cooper (who took over the case in January of that year) reviewed it and ...
Crystal Mangum, who falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players ... General and current Gov. Roy Cooper did not prosecute Mangum for perjury after the case was dismissed due to questions about ...
The stripper who accused Duke University ... General Roy Cooper took over. Nifong, who resigned, was eventually disbarred and held in criminal contempt for lying to a judge about the case.
The case against David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann was dismissed in 2007, but it "permanently altered" the lives of those involved, per the Duke Chronicle. Roy Cooper, North ...
Crystal Mangum has admitted that she made up allegations that three former Duke University lacrosse ... General Roy Cooper did not prosecute Mangum for perjury after the case was dismissed.
A woman who accused three Duke University lacrosse players of raping her in ... In 2007, the then attorney general Roy Cooper exonerated the three players and said the charges should never have ...
Crystal Mangum, the former exotic dancer who accused three Duke men’s lacrosse players ... s then-Attorney General Roy Cooper, who is now governor, reviewed the case and exonerated the three ...
The woman who in 2006 falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players ... Per the Duke Chronicle, Cooper did not prosecute Mangum for perjury after the case was dismissed.
“It’s been on my heart to do a public apology concerning the Duke lacrosse case ... N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper did not prosecute Mangum for perjury after the case was dismissed.