The Economic Security and Technology Department examines the most pressing issues facing the United States and its partners in sustaining economic and technological advantages essential to prosperity, ...
Economic security was also a major variable ... International Organization 52, no.4a (1998): 855-885; Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Relations (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University ...
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has launched a new Task Force on Economic Security that will examine the trade-offs required to balance growth and competitiveness with resilience and national ...
It is time to complement our national military strategy with a National Economic Security Strategy to keep the peace and sustain our geopolitical competitiveness. One example of why a wider ...
Canada's Minister of Industry announced that “economic security” will be an additional factor considered by the Canadian ...
Professors Farrell and Newman are the authors of “Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy.” Over the past two decades, America has built an unprecedented arsenal of ...