March 7 is the time to let employees and colleagues know how much they’re valued. Use one of these creative ideas to express ...
Below are helpful resources for some of the Human Resources sponsored awards and employee recognition. There are also college-specific employee appreciation or recognition programs that are normally ...
The HR Employee ... award. HR staff are invited to submit nominations throughout the year; awards are presented each spring during the annual HR Service Awards reception. The Driving Change Award is ...
List of Those Eligible: Any A&S classified or university staff may be nominated for this award, excluding current ... Explain how this employee has shown innovation through development of new ideas, ...
Let's have a look at what some of our jury members have had to say about the entries: Sumia, Chief Human Capital and Operation Officer, Bank KEB Hana Indonesia, shared: "It was an honour to be part of ...
Employee Appreciation Day is Friday, March 7. It’s a day dedicated to letting workers know that their efforts and contributions are valued, as well as providing an opportunity for employers and ...