At the time of writing, GBP/EUR traded at around €1. 1847, down roughly 0. 2% from Tuesday’s opening rate. The Euro (EUR)... The Pound Euro (GBP/EUR) exchange rate slipped on Monday as ... - At the time of writing, GBP/EUR traded at around €1.1847, down roughly 0.2% from Tuesday’s opening rate.The Euro (EUR) managed to climb against the majority of its peers on ... - At time of writing, the GBP/EUR exchange rate was trading at around €1.2107.Up roughly 0.3% from last week’s opening rate. The Euro (EUR) got off to a positive start last week, ...
LONDON (Reuters) - The pound headed for its worst weekly performance against the euro in over two years on Friday, as a boost to European spending drove a broad rally in the single currency, while ...