You can use it to make purchases anywhere Apple Pay is accepted, whether online or in stores, and link it with a bank account for easy transfers. You can access Apple Savings only with an iPhone ...
2% back on purchases when using Apple Pay and 1% back on all other purchases. And, if you’ve opened an Apple Card Savings account, your Daily Cash will be automatically deposited there to earn ...
Using Apple Cash starts with being an iPhone user ... It also has additional features like a savings account and investment options.
Apple recently launched a new savings account in partnership with Goldman Sachs. Within four days of opening, the account reportedly brought in nearly $1 million in deposits, Forbes reported.
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) - For the third time in about a month, Apple has raised the interest rate on its savings accounts. Apple introduced its savings account less than a year ago. Last week ...