What is a Land Acknowledgment? A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that ...
The Miami University land acknowledgement is available for those wishing to use it. Read it aloud during the first day of class and/or add it to your syllabus Read it aloud before a public meeting. No ...
By offering this land acknowledgement, we affirm a commitment to build relationships and foster a university environment of success to better serve Native nations and communities.
Hollywood's politics are defined by (supposedly) good intentions and terrible, counterproductive displays of their nonexistent moral superiority.
For more information or to hear the reading of the Land Acknowledgement, please visit the American Indian Resource Center. It is recommended the following practices be implemented when using the ...
A land acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes Indigenous peoples who have a specific and enduring connection to a particular place. Members of the Cortland community are welcome to use ...
For this reason, a version of this land acknowledgement is used at formal meetings, at events, in publications, and in other university venues and setting as appropriate. Dalhousie University operates ...
In October, 2020, CU President Mark Kennedy issued an official Land Acknowledgment statement – a first for the CU System. The text of that statement can be found here. The University of Colorado ...
CU Boulder’s land acknowledgment is an iterative work in progress and is expected to evolve over time. While it is not a requirement, students, faculty and staff may read the land acknowledgement ...