Pokemon TCG, Pocket and Triumphant Light

The Pokemon Trading Card Game's newest set Journey Together just had its full card list appear online, giving players a ...
Pokemon GO players are discussing a new feature that was recently added to the game, with players praising Niantic for the ...
With the additions of the missing Kalos Pokémon, the total number rises to 223. This leaves 19 spots open if the game follows ...
2v2 double battles popped up for the first time, and Pokemon were also attributed with different Natures which affected their overall stats. An extensive list of new abilities was also first ...
Volcanion’s Pokémon Go debut means that all three of generation six mythicals will be in the game, alongside 14 other ...
Pokémon Champions is going to forever change the face of competitive Pokémon battling. We just don’t know exactly how yet.  Announced on Pokémon Day 2025, Pokém ...
Multiple changes are coming for Pokémon Go's Might and Mastery season, with new attacks available to old movesets.
While the latter got two DLCs the following year, we haven’t had a new Pokemon RPG in almost three ... and we’ll be ranking them higher on this list. 5 / 18 While X and Y brought the best ...
We're getting Mega Evolution Pokémon cards for the first time since 2016 - let's take a close look at Mega Gardevoir ex and Mega Lucario ex.
A new season of Pokemon Go starts soon, adding new Max Battles, a new Shiny Pokemon, and new Pokemon from Sword and Shield.