The main threats facing lesser prairie chickens are habitat loss and degradation from livestock grazing, agriculture, oil and gas extraction, herbicides, mining and roads, and wind-energy production.
“We’re not there yet, but we know that partnerships with landowners and conservation organizations are vital to conserving prairie chicken habitat,” Merchant said. To develop the prairie ...
Females have shorter pinnaes. HABITAT: Lesser prairie chickens occupy two primary ecosystem types: shinnery oak and sand sagebrush grasslands. These birds require large parcels of intact native ...
Did you know that greater prairie-chickens once were abundant in their historical range across most of the central United ...
Without human intervention, the Attwater’s prairie chicken would likely go extinct, Sicich said. Its habitat is almost completely decimated, and what’s left must be sustained through ...
The prairie chicken requires large grasslands, a rare habitat in 21st century Wisconsin. The vast majority of native prairie in the state has been converted to agricultural fields or other human ...
Tens of thousands of Greater Prairie Chickens once roamed Iowa's abundant grasslands, but these days only 60 remain and the state is nervously watching that number drop. Why it matters ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is proposing to list the Lesser Prairie-Chicken under the Endangered Species Act. The chicken’s habitat spans parts of five states, including Colorado ...
“Greater prairie chickens are doing well in Colorado, Nebraska, part of Kansas and parts of South Dakota,” said Trent Verquer, Grassland Habitat Coordinator for CPW. “Elsewhere in their ...