Ash and Pikachu take on Tai and Agumon in an epic anime showdown — who wins when Digivolution meets Electric-type power?
The best Fairy-type Pokémon in Pokémon Go for Raids and battles, along with the best Fairy-type Legendary and best ...
Kyurem has officially gotten the Pokémon Go Fusion treatment, allowing you to combine it with Reshiram and Zekrom to turn it ...
Bring your strongest Pokémon to the Willpower Cup, and test them out against players using the best teams available.
An elite deck is one that you win consistently with, and which is widely regarded as tough competition by other trainers. In ...
Gigantamax Charizard was one of the first Gigantamax Pokémon to show up in Pokémon Go, alongside its fellow Kanto starters, ...
The mighty Mega Swampert is returning to Pokemon Go Mega Raids, so check out its weaknesses so you can take it down in no time.
The best Ice-type Pokémon in Pokémon Go for Raids and battles, along with the best Ice-type Legendary and best non-Legendary ...