Our learning department offers guided tours, workshops and special events for schools in the Abbey. We also offer a range of video-conferences and guided virtual tours. You are surrounded by history ...
During the tour, the guide gives everyone a cardboard virtual reality headset that works with the app and shows a reconstruction of the Colosseum and the surrounding valley. After visiting the ...
Virtual campus tours, which many schools implemented initially as a way to keep up with the technological times, proved a necessity once the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the normal flow of the ...
Virtuix’s New VR Experience Turns Your Living Room Into a Walking Tour of Iconic Landmarks | Virtual Reality News from Auganix.org ...
Online 360-degree panoramic tours stimulate approach behaviors by evoking telepresence, augmenting authenticity, and decreasing perceptions of an advertiser’s manipulative intent. Advertisers should ...
At the Immersive Technology Lab at Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, researchers have won a national ...
The virtual reality tours allow visitors to travel in any direction they like inside the buildings to view displays. Images can be enlarged to make descriptions for exhibits easier to read.