In a heartbreaking incident that has left the Akron community reeling, 15-year-old Jazmir Tucker was shot and killed by ...
An Akron man was sentenced to prison for killing an innocent pregnant woman during a shootout in 2022. On Wednesday, Summit ...
The woman was shot in the head and later died at the hospital, according to the release, she was also six weeks pregnant when ...
The mayor and police chief in an Ohio city where a 15-year-old boy was fatally shot by police on Thanksgiving night said the ...
Bodycam footage released by the mayor and police chief of an Ohio city, where police killed a 15-year-old boy on Thanksgiving ...
Akron City Council President Margo Sommerville is calling on Mayor Shammas Malik to fire the officer who fatally shot Jazmir Tucker on Thanksgiving night.
City officials in Akron, Ohio, were left troubled by the bodycam footage of a 15-year-old boy fatally shot by police.
Five people were killed in the month of November in Akron, the highest monthly total for the city in 2024 so far.