You may have more money than you think. Florida makes it easy to find forgotten cash in old accounts, 401(k)s and more.
West Virginia’s state treasurers have a pretty good track record lately of working to ensure residents’ money does not stay ...
The California State Controller’s Office manages around $14 billion in unclaimed property, and some of the money could belong to you. Across the nation, one in seven people has unclaimed property, ...
The IRS reminds taxpayers that the deadline to claim these refunds is April 15, 2025. If unclaimed, these funds will be ...
Examples of unclaimed property include things like cash, checks, security deposits, money orders and the contents of safe deposit boxes. Typically after you fail to claim your funds, they enter ...
Robbing Peter to pay Paul may work this session, but it will not rescue Colorado from our persistent budget emergency. We ...
Wisconsin’s Department of Revenue has returned $9.9 million to residents of the state. The funds are unclaimed property that ...
Aprio, the 25th largest business advisory and accounting firm in the U.S., announced today that it has acquired JMS Advisory ...
In Michigan, it comes to more than $37.3 million in unclaimed 2021 refunds for 40,300 Michiganders; the median refund is $854, the report said. Those numbers do not include tax credits you may have ...
The Treasury Hunt will allow individuals to search the Pa. Treasury database for unclaimed property and file the paperwork ...