An investigative journalist and expert on the JFK and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations said the feds’ secret files on the murders will likely reveal “fascinating’’ new details about the
Kennedy and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The order is among a flurry ... School Book Depository building. Police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, who positioned himself from a sniper's perch on ...
Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. “Everything will be ... in November 1963 in Dallas — with prime suspect Lee Harvey Oswald murdered himself two days later by nightclub ...
Trump signed an executive order on Thursday to declassify files related to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. It says a plan must be developed ... Police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, who positioned himself from a sniper's perch on the sixth floor.
What experts on John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy assassinations hope to learn from files expected to be declassified
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza’s latest collection features archival NBC 5 footage related to the John F. Kennedy assassination.
President Donald Trump picked up that big, black Sharpie of his and affixed his electrocardiogram-like signature to an executive order calling for the “full and complete release” of all still-classified documents related to the 1963 assassination of his predecessor John F.
The image was digitally edited to change the contents of the document and add references to Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton and the Zodiac killer.
A year after the assassination, the Warren Commission, which President Lyndon B. Johnson established to investigate, concluded that Oswald acted alone and that there was no evidence of a conspiracy. But that did not quell a web of alternative theories over the decades.
Historians say the Trump-ordered release of more information on the killings of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., could be interesting but unlikely to rewrite history.
The images implied that either U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, or his father, Rafael Cruz, killed former President John F. Kennedy Jr.