South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is hoping to use his country's current presidency of the Group of 20 nations to champion the cause of the developing world, including action on debt relief ...
Last year, Zambia signed a debt deal with its foreign lenders, providing financial relief to the first African nation to default after the Covid pandemic. Joyce Banda, former president of Malawi ...
[@profosinbajo, Instagram] Several former African heads of state and government have signed a declaration calling for debt relief for highly indebted nations. The leaders are also advocating for ...
the Government of Canada will set aside one dollar for the East Africa Drought Relief Fund. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will allocate these funds to established Canadian ...
Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, Bd. 28, FROM ZINJ TO ZANZIBAR: Studies in History, Trade and Society on the Eastern Coast of Africa (1982), pp. 201-219 (19 pages) ...
South Africa — Eight former African Heads of State and Government have signed the Cape Town Declaration, calling for critical debt relief for highly indebted nations and advocating for lower ...
When Somalia secured debt relief under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC ... Mogadishu had finally shed more than $4.5bn in unsustainable debt to lenders such as the World Bank, African ...
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Growing external debt burdens are crippling the world's poorest countries, a group of former African ...
The high debt saddling the world's poorest countries needs an urgent reset to avoid multiple crises, African leaders said Thursday as they launched an initiative for debt relief and fairer ...
The high debt saddling the world's poorest countries needs an urgent reset to avoid multiple crises, African leaders said Thursday as they launched an initiative for debt relief and fairer borrowing ...