Lighter steer and heifer categories fell in value, while medium and heavier weights produced mixed results in a smaller offering of 13,339 cattle on AuctionsPlus last week. The softening in numbers, ...
R-CALF USA welcomes the 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican beef and cattle — and we want more. Here’s why: For decades now ...
For U8J Cattle Co, supporting the World Angus Forum is vital for several reasons. First and foremost, it serves as a platform ...
Darrell and Frina Kaiser are celebrating a special milestone with their 25th anniversary sale, which is set for April 3 at ...
Beef cattle prices in the UK and Ireland are expected to remain firm throughout the year, according to the Agriculture and Horticulture ...
United Auctions sold 1681 store cattle, 165 out-of-spec cattle, cast cows and bulls, eight rearing cattle, and 1098 store and breeding sheep at their sale. Bullocks (871) averaged 416.26p having sold ...
Jorgensen Land and Cattle is the largest seedstock producer in the nation, creating well-balanced Angus cattle.
Efforts to stop HPAI. Agweek Livestock Tour visits Jorgensen Land and Cattle. We'll hear the latest in politics at ISBI. What ...
The average prices paid for dairy-beef calves fell in most categories last week, according to the latest calf-price data from ...
Eight talented young Australian beef producers are ready to take on all comers in the Zoetis World Angus Youth Competition in ...
Shawn Hackett, Hackett Financial Advisors, says corn and soybeans saw risk off profit taking heading into the weekend and ...
Broken Bow, NE Auctioneer: Jesse Bolin Sales Manager: Inovation Ag Marketing Averages:69 Yearling Red Angus Bulls – $5,19423 ...