Lighter steer and heifer categories fell in value, while medium and heavier weights produced mixed results in a smaller offering of 13,339 cattle on AuctionsPlus last week. The softening in numbers, ...
R-CALF USA welcomes the 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican beef and cattle — and we want more. Here’s why: For decades now ...
Darrell and Frina Kaiser are celebrating a special milestone with their 25th anniversary sale, which is set for April 3 at ...
Jorgensen Land and Cattle is the largest seedstock producer in the nation, creating well-balanced Angus cattle.
Shawn Hackett, Hackett Financial Advisors, says corn and soybeans saw risk off profit taking heading into the weekend and ...
Bovines are not often thought of as family pets, but in some cases they are treasured and profitable, Tim Unruh writes.
Autonomous Rancher offers herd management software as well as GPS tags that can track an animal's location, health and more.
The fertilizer was promoted as an environmental win-win for years. An untold number of farmers and ranchers across Texas have ...
It was a great turn out,” said Abegglen, “It’s great to see that many people in one place. A big thank you goes out to all ...
Lemmon Livestock, Lemmon, SD Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Averages:47 Yearling Angus Bulls – $6,606 Very nice sale for the ...
Heavy bullocks to £3150 for an Aberdeen Angus 850kg at £370ppk and up to 413ppk for a 604kg Charolais at £2500. Light weights ...
A super entry of 570 calves and weanlings on Thursday 13th March at Kilrea Mart which met with an outstanding trade for all ...