But he did reveal some key ingredients. Katzel: Inside of a lava lamp, you've got wax, which is mostly paraffin wax. That's your lava. Jones: Paraffin wax is a common wax made from petroleum.
Filled with clear water and pink liquid wax which moves once the lamp ... Reminisce the colourful Sixties with an inexpensive lava lamp in brilliant blue tones. For just £7, you can enhance ...
The lava lamp achieves its evocative effect through a simple formula. A food-grade glass bottle is filled with a mix of wax and water in contrasting colours. Still proudly made in Britain, each lava ...
Narrator: Lava lamps ... hypnotic lamp came from pretty humble origins. Inventor Edward Craven Walker came up with the idea after spotting a handmade egg timer that used heated wax in a cocktail ...