Listen, there was a real chasm revealed in this fight over how to proceed on this funding bill. You had Nancy Pelosi openly ...
New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Amna Nawaz to discuss the ...
The columnist David Brooks joins Times Opinion’s deputy editor ... who care about moral leadership should put their energy today. Below is a transcript of an episode of “The Opinions.” ...
For almost 20 years now, Exhibit A has been "PBS NewsHour" pundit David Brooks. PBS picked up Brooks ... World" is more amenable to debate. "But today the Republican relationship to truth and ...
New York Times columnist David Brooks said that most billionaires in ... democracy through his alliances with the wealthy. “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth ...
That is New York Times columnist David Brooks, and Jonathan Capehart ... So you were both watching, of course, everything at the White House today in the meeting between Presidents Trump and ...
David Brooks: Yes, that's a valid point. I mean, they haven't been paying any — as long as the Cold War was going on, they didn't have to pay their dues. And so now they have to because the Cold ...
David Brooks’s “How the Ivy League Broke America” was published today at Please reach out with any questions ...
DAVID BROOKS, NEW YORK TIMES: Yes, I think the courts will stand up. Even the Trump appointees, they have very firm opinions about executive power. They believe in the independent judiciary.
David Brooks analyzes politics, culture, psychology and the social sciences. Read his column as soon as it is published. David Brooks analyzes politics, culture, psychology and the social sciences.