The Economic Security and Technology Department examines the most pressing issues facing the United States and its partners in sustaining economic and technological advantages essential to prosperity, ...
It is time to complement our national military strategy with a National Economic Security Strategy to keep the peace and sustain our geopolitical competitiveness. One example of why a wider ...
The Upper House approved legislation designed to restrict access to economic security information on May 10 although details about the proposed system remain unclear, generating privacy and other ...
Identify the key issues relating to the intersection of economic strategy and security policy. Consider what toolkits, systems and capabilities should countries prepare to proactively protect and ...
The EU lacks cohesive governance to deploy economic statecraft tools, such as sanctions and export controls, undermining ...
Canada needs a plan that supports our country’s economic, social and national security. We need to expand or connect to new trade routes. CTIP would get us started on that path. Buying Canadian ...
A sustainable and successful management system ensures that nuclear safety and security matters are not dealt with in isolation. It integrates safety, health, security, quality, economic and ...
has announced the establishment of a dedicated secretariat for the implementation of a policing system to guarantee security for the 24-hour economy. He said the initiative aligned with the ...