The world has seen many a helicopter since the origin of the rotor craft, but some stand out more than others.
The first time he flew his cargo plane through the clouds over his hometown of Kabul, Tauheed Khan swelled with pride.
The inaugural Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day is Thursday night from 7 until 9 in the Ballroom of Westgate Lakes Resort and ...
Two vandals who broke a statue of Paddington Bear in half were the "antithesis" of everything the affable character from British storybooks stands for, a UK judge sentencing the pair ...
The last surviving Royal Air Force fighter pilot who fought in the Battle of Britain in 1940 during World War II has died. He was 105 years old.
Sahela Sangrait, 21, was murdered at Ellsworth Air Force Base ... There were 38 American Indian or Alaska Native women listed as missing on South Dakota’s missing persons website on Sunday ...
“We were one of three pie companies in East and North Yorkshire to enter and the only one in East Yorkshire to win awards. We’ve been making our pies for over five years now and although we ...
On coming to know that four persons were creating a nuisance near a shop the policeman asked them to leave the place when the four persons abused the policeman. The police registered a case against ...
Bourne said between 300 and 500 people were in the space between that building and ones across a narrow alley from it. She could not confirm how many were on the porch or under it when it collapsed.
According to a Skywatching columnist Joe Rao, Columbus and his crew were stranded on an island now known as Jamaica. At first the Arawak people who lived there were welcoming ...
More than a few famous people are from the Miami Valley ... The elder Johnson got a job at Wright Patterson Air Force Base as an electrician when his son was 9 years old. Initially he commuted ...