In neighborhoods across the globe — yes, even in Antarctica — it is not uncommon to find a Little Free Library, or a book-sharing box filled with a collection of free books to take, share, and enjoy.
Eighth Street location accessible to children attending Ramona Elementary and First Congregational Church of Ramona ...
The book-sharing box at Benjamin E. Mays IB World School is the first of 200 libraries to be granted to Title I schools ...
Dozens of St. Paul's most well-read elementary schoolers gathered Tuesday for a ribbon cutting marking the world's 200,000th Little Free Library. Driving the news: The St. Paul-based nonprofit behind ...
KINGSPORT, Tenn. (WJHL) — A new “Little Free Library” opened in Kingsport on Monday. The new box, installed outside the Lynn Garden Community Center (257 Walker Street), makes the 22nd ...