U ovo vrijeme natjecanja The Voice i reinterpretacija općepoznatih evergrina ili mnogobrojnih talent-showova, publici je najbitnije čuti vjerne izvedbe omiljenih hitova idola koje možda nisu vidjeli ...
<div class="audio-player js-audio"> <div class="audio-player__inner"> <div class="audio-player__icons"> <a class="audio-player__start js-audioStopPlay" href="#"> <svg ...
Artificial intelligence has made remarkable strides in recent years, with large language models (LLMs) leading in natural language understanding, reasoning, and creative expression. Yet, despite their ...
A journey into the musical soul of an artist, based around a theme or mood. All Queens Day: The Pioneers of Dance Music SHERELLE invites CeCe Peniston, Rozalla, Baby D, Angie Brown and more to the ...