The cold-hearted world of scamming is big business. American consumers lost more than $12.5bn to cyber-fraud last year, ...
Fraudulent landline calls are declining as the technology fades, but scam calls to fixed lines still ... do not answer the phone," Lavelle says. "Let it go to voicemail or the answering machine.
"Check the person on Facebook or any kind of marketplace to see if they have a transaction history. You can also go to the ...
Hacking is more prevalent today than it ever has been, but there is still a lot of bad information out there. Here are the ...
Are You At Risk?, the Mirror speaks with Derren 'Des' Healey, a kitchen fitter who was plunged £76,000 into debt after cruel scammers tricked him with deepfake footage of Elon Musk and Martin Lewis ...
Zenani, a 46-year-old woman from North West, seeks answers from FNB after R520,000 of her pension mysteriously vanished. This ...
By Tara Siegel Bernard This is the fifth installment in a series about sophisticated online scams targeting Americans ... That cleared away the $200,000 in loans she took out to help the impostor ...
In reality, "Mary Roberts" was yet another scammer, and had pirated the identity ... "Without real international change, this will never go away," they said. Deschamps, 59, was initially baited ...
Victims of gold bar scams reported losses of $126 million in ... Two years later, Owen's wife passed away. "Probably one of the reasons I was so susceptible to what happened to me," Owen said.
Like all former enslaved scammers ... just blocks away. “I think what people don’t understand is that to enter into another country is an act of war. You cannot just go in and receive these ...
"People that are trying to steal your information or get payments, you could be incidentally signing up to give your money away to a scammer ... these QR scams is always go with your gut.
Eighty-four Indonesians freed from scam centers in Myanmar are set to return home Friday as the repatriation effort for such workers strains regional resources.