Located in Beirut, Lebanon ... this theater named Lietuva was left long abandoned. So, a street artist replaced the haphazard graffiti with a massive project of children playing with strings.
Beirut has suffered endless catastrophes — its art galleries offer a glimmer of hope on facebook (opens in a new window) Beirut has suffered endless catastrophes — its art galleries offer a ...
In Out of Place, Palestinian-American literary critic Edward Said remarkably traces an exalted recollection of his life between cultures — Cambridge’s academic halls and Cairo’s teeming streets, ...
In one of the most well-known examples of the group’s power, Hezbollah deployed fighters to the streets of Beirut in May 2008 after the Lebanese government ordered the dismantling of the group ...
Haphazard parking of two-wheelers on Pattabiraman Street by dealers in used two-wheelers and financiers has caused inconvenience to motorists and local residents. Pattibiraman Street, one of the ...
Shortly after Salam won majority backing from legislators, some people celebrated in the streets of Beirut with fireworks amid hopes that his nomination and last week’s election of army ...
Shortly after Salam won majority backing from Lebanese legislators, people celebrated in the streets of Beirut with fireworks, hoping that his nomination, and last week’s election of Joseph Aoun ...
Salam has worked as a lecturer at several universities, including the American University of Beirut. In 2007, he was named Lebanon’s ambassador to the United Nations, where he served for 10 years.