Feb. 18, 2025 Location: at the ranch near Holabird, SD Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson Averages:52 Hereford Bulls $6,16446 Reg ...
Father-son duo sort through a large Hereford competition during Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Although EPDs are only comparable within breed, producers can utilize the Across-Breed EPD Table to accurately compare bulls ...
The world's best Hereford bull is from Uruguay ... must be pointed out since compared to others at the Stock Show, the cattle did not have to be present to win. Because it is not practical ...
Cattle are turned off from their operation ... Meanwhile, Glendan Park last week sold 25 from 37 Hereford and Poll Hereford bulls to a peak of $18,000 and an average rate of $8173.
At a recent event, farmers heard that changes to legislation are happening in some European countries requiring the use of ...
Strong tradition leads to strong results at the Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale at the Illinois State Fairgrounds.
Bob and Jeff Grudosky are raising Miniature Herefords on 18 acres split between their two farms, and they're giving others the opportunity to do the same.
But do you know your Angus from your Hereford ... t take long for their popularity as beef cattle to spread; in 1873, a private investor shipped four bulls to Kansas in the United States.
Nevan Mc Kiernan reports on the Premier Hereford show and sale of bulls which took place at Golden Vale Mart, Tullamore, on ...