The sight and sound of a bumblebee or a honey ... bees are gentle vegans, subsisting upon the pollen and nectar made by flowering plants. Certain “cuckoo bees” sneak their eggs into the open ...
As the staple chemical thinner carbaryl comes under increasing scrutiny, alternatives are stepping in for the Northwest tree ...
Beekeepers from across the country are gathering in the midlands this weekend to highlight their concerns around the native Irish honey bee which they say is at grave risk of extinction.
A new method of examining gene expression patterns called landscape transcriptomics may help pinpoint what causes bumble bees ...
NAVASOTA, Texas (KBTX) - Beekeepers across the state say they’re concerned as they report losing more colonies than usual this winter. However, in the heart of Grimes County, BeeWeaver Honey Farm is ...
Researchers from the University of Florence and University of Pisa conducted an experiment demonstrating that managed ...
The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon. Pests and pathogens are a primary threat to honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies worldwide. Selective breeding for honey bees ...