LAIE (Island News) -- Honolulu Police arrested Sina Pili on Friday. She's charged with manslaughter for allegedly torturing ...
When Raia Olsen, owner of Oahu Grazers, pulls up to the solar farm in Mililani and lets her flock of sheep out of the trailer ...
Supply, demand and insurance woes for many condo associations are working their magic on Oahu’s housing market.
For decades, food banks across Hawai‘i have been a vital safety net for families in need. At Maui Food Bank, we distribute ...
For better or worse, things that we relied on from the feds will now be up to us. We’d better find out what those things are, ...
Longtime radio announcer and the voice of the University of Hawaii sports, Bobby Curran, died Sunday, according to several ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A woman who had not been seen since Friday was found in Ewa Saturday evening. On Saturday ...
Honolulu police have arrested a 15-year-old boy in connection to a robbery at Pearlridge Center Saturday evening. Police said ...
Bobby Curran speaks at half time during a special presentation in his honor. Curran made his final calls as a radio play-by-play sportscaster at the SimpliFi Arena at Stan Sheriff Center on Saturday ...
An extensive search for a missing sea ambulance and its four crew members off the waters of the Republic of the Marshall ...
Bobby Curran, one of the legendary voices of Rainbow athletics, died Sunday. Curran hosted “The Bobby Curran Show” on ESPN ...