Telegram packs many unique features that make the messaging experience better than other chat apps. Recently, it added the custom stickers feature. You can use Telegram on all kinds of devices ...
How can I send my friend a link to a private Telegram group that I am currently in? You can do so in two ways: You can tap on the name of the group at the top of the app, then tap on Add Member ...
Telegram is one of the viable communication platforms where users can communicate with their audience in a secure, ad-free, ...
Telegram is a secure messaging platform that emphasizes privacy with features like end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messages. It supports messaging, voice/video calls, file sharing, and ...
Although, unlike alternatives such as WhatsApp, in the case of Telegram the data storage is mostly in the cloud, so a mobile device is usually less affected in this part. However, a lot of ...