RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Browsing the internet can be fun for a child, until they are exposed to harmful content and online ...
The Internet is a fantastic source of fun and learning, but it’s worth following some simple rules to help your children stay safe online. Always sit with young children when they use the Internet.
In a recent news release, Geisinger Health Systems provided the following pharmacy safety tips for those who choose to buy ...
In her new book ''Parental Control,'' internet and social media safety specialist Titania Jordan helps parents guide, protect, and connect with kids in meaningful ways online. She sat down with Alyse ...
Each has been mapped to particular age 7-11 learning outcome statements from the Education for a Connected World framework set out by the UK Council for Internet Safety. What is online reputation?
According to the SAPS, most human trafficking starts on social media, and most children spend much of their time on these ...