Though some episodes of the original Pokémon anime can be classified as "filler," several episodes are mandatory viewing.
The Vancouver Pokémon Go Regional Championship will be taking place on March 8-9 / The Pokémon Company The Pokémon Regional Championships are a part of the Pokémon Championship Series where ...
The generation that started it all in 1996 introduced iconic creatures like Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo. These original 151 Pokemon set the foundation for the entire franchise and remain some of ...
Special shout-outs to Go Hub and Leekduck for help with these details. What is Field Research in Pokemon Go? Field Research is a series of tasks that are obtained by spinning a PokeStop or Gym ...
A couple of Giant Capes provide additional HP for your Togepi and Togetic, which are both vulnerable in the early game. Fighting-type decks that rely on Stage 2 Pokémon will have a hard time with this ...
With over 200 collectible sync pairs of Pokemon and their masters, it sure can get confusing for new players and veterans alike to come to a definitive conclusion about which ones are the best and ...
The trio of golems Regice, Registeel, and Regirock were added, alongside the pair of birds Latias and Latios. Its three super-ancient, weather-specialist Pokémon – Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza – ...