Welcome to our first deck tech of Aetherdrift Standard! Midrange as an archetype has been dominated by black decks for ...
The first of these is The Sibsig Ceremony, a card that relates to a zombification ritual in the Sultai clan. In previous ...
MTG card Gilt-Leaf Archdruid has tripled in value since the Tarkir Dragonstorm commander Teval, the Balanced Scale was ...
Meanwhile, the Standard Edition of the MTG Final Fantasy Commander decks have an equally exorbitant preorder price of $69.99. For those who aren’t familiar with the usual cost for a precon (as ...
The current generation of trading card games like Lorcana, Altered and Star Wars Unlimited tries to speed up game play and ...
The four Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy Commander Decks we already knew about involve Cloud from FFVII, Y’shtola from FFXIV, Tidus from FFX, and Terra from FFVI. The boxes from those each ...
Website that takes list of cards as an input and shows how much you should spend to build every MTG Tier deck. Support for MTGA included.