Using modern portfolio theory, investors can build portfolios that maximize return for a given level of risk or minimize risk for a desired level of return. Since its introduction by Henry ...
While Bus-a-Bus was clearly referring to the wisdom of investing with professional managers, today’s article focuses on the wisdom professional managers rely on: modern portfolio theory (MPT).
There’s a direct line from the efficient markets theory of Eugene Fama in the 1960s to modern portfolio theory. It paved the way for index funds, a strategy that has not only weathered market ...
Bruce Karpati, Co-Chief of the Asset Management Unit in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, added, “Investors in quant funds ...
Side note: last year we discussed whether modern portfolio theory still holds water. Decide for yourself by following this link. In fixed income, Charalambous believes in achieving post-inflation ...
This approach is rooted in the modern portfolio theory (MPT) introduced by Harry Markowitz in the 1950s, emphasising diversification and strategic asset allocation. Also read: Risk: An underrated ...
A new report from, a Swiss-based digital asset service provider, highlights a significant alignment between Bitcoin ...
In 2024, its revenue rose nearly 38% to $21 billion. This is part of what makes the stock a no-brainer buy. Studies have ...
Small Cap Bear 3X Shares ETF offers a way to profit from small caps' struggles. Learn why TZA and other ETFs require careful ...
Sustainable development has emerged as a central paradigm to ensure the economic growth meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This paper explores ...
Advisors were right not to recommend the decentralized cryptocurrency in the past. They can be right again by recommending it today.
Puerto Rico’s coastal wetlands face mounting challenges, many of which threaten the delicate balance of these ecosystems and their resident species. Among the most vulnerable is the coquí llanero, ...