Actor Nivin Pauly spoke about facing accusations of rape at an event in Nilambur, Kerala. He received a clean chit in the case and has gone back to work. Actor Nivin Pauly spoke at an event in ...
The audience barely gets to see the quintessential Nivin Pauly in Moothon, and perhaps that’s the best ... Just like how the final shot of Mulla’s smiling face will haunt you, so will Moothon stand as ...
Actor Nivin Pauly recently expressed gratitude for his fans' support during challenging times at the 'Gokulam Night' event in Nilambur. He shared memories of home and how he incorporated Nilambur ...
Nilambur: When he had a problem, it was the people of Kerala who stood by him, providing the support he needed during a crucial period, said actor Nivin Pauly ... I had to face recently.
The film features Nivin Pauly in the lead. The quirky promo video released to positive feedback on December 25. Many are excited about the filmmaker's collaboration with the 'Premam' actor. The film's ...