Methuselah, nearly 4,855 years old, might be surpassed by Alerce Milenario, estimated to be over 500 years older. These trees ...
What message are Democrats attempting to send to voters?
with Adam making it to 930 years old, Noah to 950 and Methuselah to 969. From the Elysian Fields to Peter Pan and Highlander, as well as the anti-ageing creams and life-extending diet fads doing the ...
The practice of age-cheating or age-doping, is not limited to Ghana, but synonymous with South Sahara-Africa (SSA) and is as old as Methuselah (the longest-living human being). It is argued that ...
From Vitalik Buterin to Brian Armstrong, many crypto proponents are obsessed with discovering the secret to immortality. We ...
Richard Stewart of Lincoln Heights is 104 years old, but he’s youthful at heart. "You know Methuselah lived 969 years. I have asked the Good Lord to let me be around as long as his servant Moses ...
Forget ageing gracefully-tech titans and business magnates are now pouring millions into cutting-edge treatments.