Orange is hiring Grant Thornton, a global accounting and consulting firm with an Orange County office, to help city leaders ...
Orange City Attorney Mike Vigliotta will replace Michael Gates, who said he is taking a job with the U.S. Department of ...
The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a lease agreement with the city of Irvine for the use of the Katie Wheeler ...
Light rain began falling on Southern California on Monday night and is expected to peak Wednesday night into Thursday morning ...
While efforts to privatize the library’s management have stalled out, residents are still debating which books kids should be able to access.
A collection of press releases from the city of Midland including host family applications for the sister city project, water main flushing, and more.
Changes in library policies began when the Huntington Beach City Council approved Resolution 2023-41 in October 2023. The ...
The Orange County Southern Branch Library is expected to serve 30,000 ... Robert Drakeford Contributed Drakeford was a New York City native who came to Carrboro by way of UNC-Chapel Hill, where ...
The argument continues about whether Huntington Beach city leaders are censoring material that contains sexual content by ...
You may have replaced a swastika with a red hat, but that is what it is,' he told the council during Tuesday's meeting. The chambers erupted in applause.
Kluwe, a Huntington Beach resident, made comments against a MAGA plaque proposed for installation at the Central Library, then approached the dais and was arrested.