These are some of the best Pokémon you can add to your team when creating to use one in Pokémon Go's Ultra League.
Bring your strongest Pokémon to the Willpower Cup, and test them out against players using the best teams available.
As it happens, Cobalion is decent in Ultra League, coming in second for the type after Primeape. Virizion is slightly worse off, but again, very similar in terms of results. Would you want to get ...
The Vancouver Regional marked the start of the second half of the Pokémon GO competitive season and it did not disappoint. Hundreds of competitors brought their ...
However, some Pokemon in particular benefit greatly from the increased stat boosts that the Eviolite item offers. These examples are the best Eviolite Pokemon in the competitive meta and are well ...
Don't forget to check our Pokemon Type calculator to know the offensive and defensive type effectiveness of your choice. Jumpluff, Primeape, Charjabug, Serperior, Toxapex, Drifblim, Corviknight ...
It can challenge strong opponents like Primeape, Dunsparce, and Carbink. Meditite is a feature in the Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2025. Trainers can catch this creature in the wild and then give ...
Meanwhile, previous stalwarts like Primeape, Feraligatr ... Next, Mandibuzz has been a huge threat for a while in competitive Pokemon Go, and though there have been lots of changes to the Pokemon ...
or having Caterpie to more quickly draw Pokemon cards. There's been a few variants of this deck floating around, using regular Marowaks, Kabutops, Primeape and Hitmonlee (among others), but this ...
From jelly donuts to lollipops & Shadow Zones to Next Dimensions, these are some big clues that an English dub wasn't faithful to its source material.