Presidents’ Day is coming up on Feb.17, making it the perfect moment to reflect on the wisdom and inspiration of presidential ...
This year, Inauguration Day falls on Monday, Jan. 20. In honor of the day, you’ll find a collection of stirring Inauguration ...
It Can’t Happen Here is a howl against all forms of authoritarianism, and much less partisan than the inevitable Hulu ...
Calvin Coolidge 6. “I never dreamed of success. I worked for it.” — Estee Lauder 7. “The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every ...
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds.” ...
Nearly 100 years ago, President Calvin Coolidge took the same oath of office outside the Capitol. His inauguration was the first to be broadcast live on the radio, and he did not host any ...
This marks 100 years since Calvin Coolidge’s 1925 inauguration was the first broadcast nationally by radio. Presidential inaugurations continue to draw millions of viewers, with 33.8 million ...
Former President Calvin Coolidge commuted his sentence in 1927. "Notably, Mr. Garvey created the Black Star Line, the first Black-owned shipping line and method of international travel ...
Grace Coolidge, 1925 Grace Coolidge was all smiles in a gray dress and top hat to match President Calvin Coolidge's during his second inauguration. Grace Coolidge was an immensely popular first ...
Calvin Coolidge was born on the fourth of July, 1872, in the little mountain village of Plymouth, Vermont. His family on both sides struck its roots right down into the heart of New England.