But we won’t be shocked at all if it hits No. 1 on the most popular movies on Netflix. You can find the rest of the best ...
The movie Geena Davis knew was doomed from the start was 'Cutthroat Island,' a notorious pirate flop that she never wanted to make in the first place.
Zack Norman starred in Romancing the Stone, Cadillac Man and in an episode ... Tim Robbins and Fran Drescher in the 1990 movie Cadillac man. Zack Norman starred as Uncle Jack alongside Fran ...
One of the funniest scenes in Romancing The Stone comes when Jack (Michael Douglas ... Flirting With Disaster isn't the kind of movie that screams "Grateful Dead," but after, it makes total ...
Lewis Teague directed 1983's "Cujo" and he apparently had an affinity for KIng's work, because his next project was "Cat's ...
Movie lovers, you may want to plan a road trip for the new Utah Film Trail. The trail network highlights iconic Utah ...
Greg Mottola’s coming-of-age comedy turns the standard plot of boys worrying about their virginity status into a madcap chaos machine. Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse star as ...
Twilight star Jackson Rathbone says there exists a hilarious 8-minute blooper reel of Kristen Stewart swearing. Read on to know the details.
Jim Jarmusch horror movies aren’t your typical horror ... With echoes of beloved rom-coms like African Queen and Romancing the Stone, this film truly felt like an anomaly in 2022, and yet ...