Below we list Gigantamax Blastoise’s best counters and weaknesses in Pokémon Go, as well as general battle tips for the tanky turtle. Being pure water-type, Blastoise has a two weaknesses ...
This new Pokémon Go event lets you show off your catching prowess while earning valuable candies to evolve your shiny ...
One lucky Pokemon GO player managed to catch a Shiny Gigantamax Charizard ... showing their rare types of Venusaur and Blastoise in Pokemon GO.
Pokémon Go’s Deep Depths event features an interesting lineup of dark-type and water-type Pokémon, as well as a certain fox’s ...
Shiny Pikachu: August 2017's Pokémon Go Park event in Japan revealed the second set of Shinies. Those within the event radius had a chance of catching a Shiny Pikachu, which much like the Red ...
Niantic botched Pokémon Go's Catch Mastery event, failing to boost Shiny rates for Omanyte and Kabuto. Now, fans are outraged ...
One lucky Pokemon GO player managed to catch a Shiny Gigantamax Charizard ... showing their rare types of Venusaur and Blastoise in Pokemon GO. Although Gigantamax Pokemon may not be in ...