An inventive Pokemon player creates an interesting convergent evolutionary line for the Dark/Fairy-Type pocket monster ...
The world of Pokémon is filled with some pretty creepy and intimidating critters, but also some adorable ones too, like ...
One Pokemon Go event has left a lot of players fuming due to a Shiny mistake, which made their effort felt like a waste.
This new Pokémon Go event lets you show off your catching prowess while earning valuable candies to evolve your shiny ...
Pokémon GO has announced a new Catch Mastery event which will task Trainers with perfecting their throws to each Archen ...
trainers can maximize their chances of not only defeating but also capturing this legendary Pokemon. With the added possibility of encountering a shiny variant, this event is one not to be missed!
Seeing a Shiny Pokemon is a 1 in 8192 odds or something along those lines, so seeing them in the anime is always a hype ...
The new season of Pokémon GO, Might & Mastery, will include the release of some new species and Shinies, including Bruxish in ...
To get Dynamax Chansey in Pokémon Go, you need to take part in a three-star Max Battle against one. If you defeat Dynamax ...
The Festival of Colors also marks two special shiny Pokémon moments. Firstly, shiny Bruxish has been released in Pokémon Go and, more importantly, it marks the return of shiny Smeargle.
If you’re desperate for a specific Pokémon in Niantic’s location-based mobile game, you need to check out this new Pokédex ...