A dangerous junction in South Bristol will be addressed in upcoming transport changes after getting flagged as a crash ...
A Bristol climate tech business has received a £250,000 loan boost from SWIG Finance in a bid to take its environmental mission global.
Google Maps reports long delays on both roads this morning (Thursday, February 27). Traffic monitor Inrix reports: "Queueing traffic and one lane closed due to shed load of soil on A370 Brunel Way ...
Traffic was delayed in South Bristol due to a 'shed load of soil' in the road. One lane was closed on the A370 Brunel Way southbound at the junction with the A369 Clanage Road Google Maps reports ...
A traffic warning has been issued after a crash on I-35 from 20th Street/Exit 1D (SB) to I-670/Broadway Boulevard/Exit 2. The ...
Advanced weather modelling show a huge snow storm will arrive in the UK in just a few days' time - with as much as eight ...
Other flights from Toulouse to the UK go to: Bristol (twice a week via Ryanair and three times a week via easyJet), London ...
Nearly 200 people lost their lives as a result of alcohol in Bristol in the space of three years, according to new data. Across the country, the number of deaths caused by alcohol has hit a record ...
Matthew Failor has likely never been so happy to see the village of Grayling become visible through his headlamp.
Regulated fares across England will increase by an inflation-busting 4.6% from this Sunday, and the price of most railcards will jump from £30 to £35, a rise of almost 17% ...