Clouds that look like cartoon cotton balls or cauliflower ... the atmosphere with more moisture but not precipitation. Fog and stratus clouds Clouds are a result of saturation, but saturated ...
Often, these are fair-weather clouds that form when the sun warms the ground and the warm air rises. You’ll often see them on ...
Stratus clouds lay like a blanket, often lowest in the sky. These clouds can look like elevated fog or continuously flat and gray with little distinction in shape. They often bring rain. Even without ...
“Cirrus clouds — high, wispy clouds visible in the distant atmosphere on relatively clear days — absorb and trap more radiation, warming the Earth,” while “stratus or stratocumulus ...
Fog and stratus clouds Clouds are a result of saturation ... Lenticular clouds, for example, can look like flying saucers hovering just above, or near, mountaintops. Lenticular clouds can actually ...
Stratus can occur just above the ground ... over mountain slopes and other topography. Lenticular clouds, for example, can look like flying saucers hovering just above, or near, mountaintops.