We have two exciting summer internship opportunities for UK undergraduates, irrespective of degree discipline, who are interested in primary care research. These are a fantastic opportunity to get ...
QTIC builds on the University of Bristol’s world-leading reputation for research and ... its full-scale facility will open as part of the new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus in 2026.
The Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) is the University’s major new campus in the centre of Bristol. The new academic building brings together pioneering teaching and research across digital, ...
Our aim in the Campus Division is to sustain and grow the University as a top 50 global higher education institution, whilst meeting our 2030 carbon neutrality target. Our goals are: To provide the ...
UCU members are opposed to academic departments across the university having to make at least a 50% operating surplus ...
You will also spend time at the nearby Bristol Veterinary School, located at our rural Langford campus, where you will be hands-on ... International qualifications The University of Bristol welcomes ...
Harrogate Ladies’ College students have received university offers across a wide range of STEM (science, technology, engineering, medicine) subjects after introducing a Women in Science and ...
We all know that Wills Memorial is pretty and the ASS is far from, but were you aware that your preferred building on campus ...
The top three wards for young people not in education, employment or training are: Hartcliffe and Withywood with 71; Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston with 70; and Filwood with 53. The figures raise ...