Scammers always initiate contact first. Let’s walk through a vishing scam using a Google account as an example. Triggering a ...
Let’s walk through a vishing scam using a Google account as an example. Triggering a real security alert: Scammers may attempt to recover your Google Account to prompt real security alerts ...
Even a single lapse in vigilance can lead to significant consequences, emphasizing the necessity of robust, continuous ...
AI-Powered: Corporate Strategies Versus Hacker Tactics - How can companies use artificial intelligence to respond more efficiently ...
Phishing is one of the most common and dangerous cyber threats facing organizations today. Despite growing awareness, employees often still fall victim to these attacks. Even worse, cybercriminals now ...
Optery has been honored once again for its outstanding contributions to cybersecurity in the following categories: Optery’s ...
Digital identity theft involves stealing someone’s personal information to commit fraud or theft using online channels. Criminals want access to information like: Social security numbers. Driver’s ...