With the help of a new professional women's soccer team, Boston is set on remaking White Stadium in Franklin Park. Local ...
A lawsuit that seeks to stop the City of Boston’s public-private rehab of Franklin Park’s White Stadium for a new pro women’s ...
A group of local citizens filed a lawsuit last year alleging the development of White Stadium violates the Massachusetts ...
After months of back and forth, the White Stadium lawsuit goes to trial this week. The city of Boston and Boston Unity Soccer ...
Neighborhood advocates and mayoral candidate Josh Kraft gathered at Franklin Park Wednesday and called for the city to pause demolition work at White Stadium. Neighbors and residents affiliated ...
Jeffrey MuvundusiSouthern EditorTHE National Athletics Association of Zimbabwe (NAAZ) has announced that it will next month hold a Junior Championships at White... To access this post, you must ...
With a trial in the lawsuit to stop the renovation of White Stadium set to begin next week, a group of Boston Public Schools ...
The mayor’s enthusiasm for the White Stadium project stands in sharp contrast to seven years ago, when she blocked a plan for a New England Revolution stadium as a city councilor It wasn’t ...
Public records reveal negotiations to rehab Boston’s White Stadium for a new pro soccer team were underway long before the city sent out a request for proposals. When that RFP went out ...